Shofarot 5782: Celebration of What Went Right in 5781
The poet Sheenagh Pugh writes her wonderful poem “Sometimes”:
“Sometimes things don’t go, after all, from bad to worse…./A people sometimes step back from war, elect an honest man,/ decide they care enough that they can’t leave some stranger poor.”
In honor of the shofar sound-both a call towards repair of our broken world and a sound of triumph- we honor what went right this past year. What was won. The following list was generated by the SAJ community (though cleaned up to be non-partisan):
- The rapid development & distribution of the Covid-19 Vaccine
- Ranked Choice Voting in NYC and an enthusiasm for local politics and civic engagement.
- The election of the first Black, first Asian-American, first woman as Vice President of USA
- Increased awareness of inequity in our country — a first step
- The continued existence of Israel, as a refuge and also a global public health leader (even as we may struggle with current politics)
- Technology like Zoom that can help us connect & celebrate s’machot and Telehealth which can increase mental health support and help the homebound get services
- The strengthening of the Black Lives Matter Movement — and the emergence of a truly multi-racial coalition working for racial justice
- The establishment of an $2B state-wide Essential Workers Fund which will can give undocumented essential workers benefits they were previously excluded from (the product of blood, sweat and tears of immigrant organizing, along with the leadership of SAJ members Daniel Altschuler and Deborah Axt)Accountability for the murder of George Floyd
- A free and fair election (despite much efforts to subvert the process)
- The unmuzzling of Dr. Fauci and a return to the acceptance and appreciation of science
- Investment in infrastructure
- Greater accountability for men who sexually assault and sexually harass women
- The U.S. reentering the Paris Climate Accords
Let us first remember that none of these wins happened “by chance.” All were won because of hard work and effective organizing. We honor all those people who have helped us move forward in 5781.
As we hear the shofar, let us remember to hold on to what is triumphant — what is possible — so that we can hear and answer its call for us to act in to the world towards justice and freedom.